
the 20th IPPNW World Congress Workshop Schedule

Friday, August 24, 2012
15:00 - 16:30

1) Catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear war

2) Comparing the health consequences of two nuclear catastrophes: Chernobyl and Fukushima

3) Communicating the abolition message using both traditional and cutting-edge media tools

4) A critical review of the nuclear industrial complex (NIC) - the three poisonous "P"s of the nuclear age

5) Peace, security and development in South Asia: A regional perspective

6) Banning WMD in the Middle East: The perspective of chemical weapons survivors

7) Nuclear weapon abolition from nuclear power free world

8) Nuclear weapon free zone

9) Responsibility to protect

10) Fukushima and Chernobyl, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Mayak and Three Mile Island: Put an End to the Nuclear age!

11) How to explain nukes to a newbie. The gender dimension as a chosen example

12) New Models for Violent Injury Research - Liberia and Zambia Case Studies

Saturday, August 25, 2012
10:50 - 12:20

13) Humanitarian and ethical approaches to banning nuclear weapons: Practical strategies for abolition

14) The non-nuclear path to energy security

15) Physician diplomacy in a post-Cold War world

16) The Obama administration's position on nuclear disarmament and the response of Physicians for Social Responsibility

17) Tackling Growing Violence against Women: Issues & strategies with special reference to India

18) Uranium and health - the need for increased NGO understanding and cooperation

19) Nuclear disarmament and civil society: The outlook from Russia and FSU

20) Campaign to improve the recognition system of A-bomb disease, and "black rain" issues in the current context

21) Health effects of radiation

22) The Nuclear weather in the Middle East; Spring or Autumn?

23) Victim Assistance Model Clinic – a North/South Collaboration of IPPNW-Austria/IPPNW-Zambia

24) Health Hazards and Solutions of the Problem of DU Weapons

Note: Medical Student Representatives Meeting will also be held during this timeframe

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